

What Are Kosher Cookies?

Before discussing kosher cookies we must have a clear idea of what kosher means. For a food to be considered kosher it must follow the rules of Jewish dietary law or kashrut. Kashrut is derived from the Hebrew word meaning “proper” or “fit”. Part of the law that most closely pertains to cookies and their preparation is the use of utensils. According to kashrut, utensils used for meat products are not permitted for use with dairy products. Also when thinking about kosher foods take generalizations under close examination. An example of this could be foods associated with being Jewish, such as a Jewish holiday cookie which isn’t necessarily kosher. The assumption can’t be made that the cookie is kosher because of its name; it’s only kosher if it is prepared in accordance with kosher law.

When looking to buy kosher cookies in the store look for a label carrying the official KOF-K Kosher Supervision emblem. With this emblem it is certified that it meets kosher requirements. This certification is not only helpful to Jews maintaining a kosher diet but also a growing non-Jewish segment of the U.S. population. This segment comprises vegetarians who find the kosher-parve designation as a guarantee that a food contains no animal-derived ingredients, while people with food allergies to milk can find an assurance of no milk or any of it’s derivatives within the food. The assurance with this certification can make buying otherwise difficult foods easy and with the peace of mind that the label is accurate.

Want to make a kosher cookie instead? When baking kosher cookies in the home consider what steps you need to take to prepare your kitchen for baking kosher foods. A completely separate set of dishes, pots, cutlery, utensils, etc. must be used, one for meat foods and a separate set for dairy foods. Utensils used in preparing non-kosher foods are also never to be used in preparation of kosher foods. If this is not the case in your kitchen already you will need to buy a separate set before even starting. The next step is to check that all ingredients used in your cookie recipe are kosher as well. Then, while mixing ingredients and preparing the cookies make sure to do so in accordance with Jewish Dietary Law. If you do so you will have successfully baked a kosher cookie. Whether it’s in the store or within the home, these tips should help buying or making kosher cookies a less daunting task.


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